Retreats and Module


Residential Retreat 1 - Who am I as a Leader?

9-13 January 2017 (Mon - Fri)
At Beas River Country Club.

Chaired by Prof. Daniel K L Chua and Sue Hoyle, the retreat will explore different aspects of cultural leadership and introduce participants to the concept of authentic leadership. The retreat will draw on the experience and inspirational vision of a range of leaders, working in the region and internationally, to highlight good practice and explore the changing context in which leaders work. It will describe different approaches and styles of leadership through practical examples and case studies, and provide an introduction to organisational culture, coaching and working with boards.

Sample of Programme Rundown


Non-residential Module - The Business of Culture

4-5 March 2017 (Sat to Sun)
At The University of Hong Kong.

A regionally led module covering finance, strategic planning, fundraising, social entrepreneurship and innovation, governance, and growing your organization.


Residential Retreat 2 - Policy, People and Public Engagement

22-26 May 2017 (Mon - Fri)
At Beas River Country Club.

This retreat will look at cultural policy and advocacy, and examine ways of increasing and deepening public engagement in the arts through communications and digital technology. It will suggest practical ways of leading organisational change, and of building and sustaining networks and partnerships. The course will also include an opportunity for participants to work together on planning collaborative projects.


* Subject to review and change.